Masjid Abu Bakar

22 January 25

Begins >

Ja'mat >


6:14 am
7:00 am


12:17 pm
1:00 pm
Jumuah 1.00 pm


2:43 pm
3:15 pm


4:35 pm
4:40 pm


6:07 pm
7:15 pm

hifz madrasha

hifz course

Masjid Abu Bakar - HIFZ MADRASHA


This is a comprehensive Programme for the memorisation of Qur’an for students who are attending full time mainstream education.

Ibn ‘Amr reported that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said:

“It will be said to the companion of the Qur’an after he has entered Paradise, ‘Recite, and rise!’ For every verse he recites he will rise one level (in Paradise), until he recites the last verse with him (i.e., in his memory).” (Abu Dawood)

NWKMW Masjid Abu Bakr Hifz Madrasha

All students are offered the Hifz-ul-Qur’an (Qur’an memorisation).

In this course, students commence memorisation of the Noble Qur’an with the aim of memorising the entire Qur’an during the course of their enrolment at Hifz Madrasha. Structured learning targets are set from the start to aim students towards achieving this goal. Students are also taught advanced levels of Tajweed during their Hifz course.

Pupils who would wish to enrol for the Hifz Course will have to make a firm commitment for the entire period of course in order to meet their targets consistently. This will, InshaAllah, enable the achievement of completing Hifz of the Noble Qur’an with ease and efficiency.

Pupils will have to fulfil the Hifz Course entrance criteria, which consists of an oral exam. Prospective pupils are expected to be able to recite the Qur’an fluently as well as demonstrate a fundamental Tajweed course.

Finally, it is of extreme importance that both parents and the pupil have a clear understanding of the level of commitment – and significant sacrifices – that will be required in order to achieve this honour and privilege. Parents and pupils also need to understand that they will need to strike the right balance between the Hifz Course and the National Curriculum subjects so that their academic progress is not adversely affected due to undertaking the Hifz Course.

In order for a pupil to successfully complete the memorisation of the entire Qur’an, he will be expected to memorise the amounts stated in the chart below on daily basis throughout the Hifz period. These targets may be revised in consultation with the Head of the Hifz teacher for pupils who may not be able to complete the entire Qur’an.

Parents must understand that acceptance on the preferred option remains at the discretion of the Head of Hifz Studies, who reserves the right to withdraw a pupil from programme consultation with parents if he feels that adequate progress is not being made, as well as the Headteacher, if he feels that continuing with the preferred option is adversely affecting a child’s academic progress.

Learning Review Sessions will be held with the student and parent/guardian every three months. This will provide opportunity for you and your son to receive feedback and update on his progress, consolidate his learning and address any concerns and issues with his teacher and the Madrasha.

Entrance Criteria

Age for admission is 6-14 years old (boys only).

Pupils who would wish to enrol for the Hifz Course will have to make a firm commitment for the entire period of course in order to meet their targets consistently.

Pupils are expected to be able to already recite the Qur’an fluently as well as demonstrate a fundamental Tajweed course.

Pupils will have to undertake and pass an oral exam before admission.

Admission Fee – £65 per month (to be paid at the beginning of each month, preferably by Standing Order)

Classes run from 5:30pm until 7:30pm with an appropriate break for salah.

Uniform: Plain long Thobe or Kurta and Kufi (Skull Cap)

For more information please call any of the numbers below and we will be happy to answer any queries you may have.




Application Form can be downloaded from the link below: